Showing 1 - 11 of 11 Results
The Gospel of John Set Free: Preaching Without Anti-Judaism by Smiga, George M. ISBN: 9780809144570 List Price: $14.95
Pain and Polemic: Anti-Judaism in the Gospels (Stimulus Books) by George M. Smiga ISBN: 9780809133550 List Price: $9.95
Angels in the Bible by Smiga, George M., Little Ro... ISBN: 9780814665596 List Price: $16.95
Scripture Backgrounds for the Sunday Lectionary, Year B: A Resource for Homilists by Mary A. Ehle, Peg Ekerdt, J... ISBN: 9781616713683 List Price: $17.95
Scripture Backgrounds for the Sunday Lectionary, Year A: A Resource for Homilists by Mary A. Ehle, Peg Ekerdt, J... ISBN: 9781616713126 List Price: $17.95
Foundations for Preaching and Teaching: Scripture Backgrounds for 2015 by Biagio Mazza, CSJ Mary M. M... ISBN: 9781616711535
Holy Spirit in the Bible by Smiga, George M., Little Ro... ISBN: 9780814666630
Rejoice and Be Glad : Daily Reflections for Easter to Pentecost 2023 by Smiga, George M., Okorie, F... ISBN: 9780814666944 List Price: $3.00
Al�grense y Regoc�jense : Reflexiones Diarias de Pascua a Pentecost�s 2023 by Smiga, George M., Okorie, F... ISBN: 9780814667538 List Price: $3.00
Al�grense y Regoc�jense : Reflexiones Diarias de Pascua a Pentecost�s 2023 by Smiga, George M., Okorie, F... ISBN: 9780814667545 List Price: $5.95
Rejoice and Be Glad : Daily Reflections for Easter to Pentecost 2023 by Smiga, George M., Okorie, F... ISBN: 9780814666951 List Price: $5.95